That's right, even if an entity is both a vendor and customer, the program is so simplistic that you cannot enter them like that. I guess it has a database too simple, old, outdated, or badly implemented, and the company so cheap, that they just can't won't fix this sort of thing: and this sort of thing crops-up in this program all the time. In fact, there are a lot of complaints by customers that are years-old that, I'm finding, crop-up all the time. : (
I hate to be "negative" and "critical" in a time that these things are non gratae in modern society, but I'll probably have to be, quite frequently, as I review Quickbooks. Note that corrections and suggestions are welcome. Also, responses like "[long-winded and technical workaround], or setting [that should probably have been chosen by default]" are not what is welcome, but opinions that a complaint, if a complaint is made, is merely uninformed, are welcome.
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