Tuesday, June 15, 2021

= Measure "Twice", Cut "Code" Once

= Measure Twice [Thousands of times Considerations], Cut Code [Implement] Once

A rather non-understood, never-tried principle is "measure twice, cut once." 

This because everyone needs to look busy to keep the suits feeling comfortable and happy that they aren't "wasting capital" on the wages of the bozos that couldn't possibly make decisions and do stuff unsupervised.

(I won't argue with that: having been an inexperienced bozo myself, I'll just move-on if I cannot do anything and learn through [small/reasonable] mistakes allowed [and expected because anybody trying to do anything that could be of value, by definition, must be unqualified and therefore inevitably destined to suffer errors and setbacks].. I'm also a weirdo, of course: I can be "never have been paid and rewarded better" but losing know-how/skills/not learning and unhappy, but have to live in SE Asia to survive because I'm earning peanuts, but having the time of my life because the work/hustle is so demanding/challenging and I know the rewards will come later if I don't first start. (This has happened. Sorta. But it's more interesting to just say it's happened so: "this has happened."))  

Most of our "educated" today seem to have suffered negligence: educators ignored their liberal educations in their progressive educations, such that the "brain bugs" that afflict and condemn human mindsets and thinking to the middle ages (at best) on average are not overcome through the tools available for liberty. Possibly due to the associations with arguments about how many angels can fit (or dance) upon the head of a needle. 

>HARD< STEM has an interesting property in it: liberal arts can somewhat be inferred. Comparatively studied and deeply pondered (as opposed to going to get **** faced at all the college parties frequently), >HARD< topics in STEM have this side-effect of re-wiring your brain because you realize that in the physical world almost everything is *COUNTER* intuitive to our natural minds: minds that are wired for a social domain that's more about conforming to often-insane mobs through history (moods of nations and tribes, whims of kings, etc.), and not for physical problems, mathematical physics, achievments beyond "conquering the other guys and stealing their **** before forcing them into grueling obeisance and tribute-surrendering on the backs of their children's futures." 

So most of management is filled with people who, it never fails, are impressed by that guy who codes 10,000 lines--"look how productive he is! Too bad I can't read this, but this is amazing!" Or who seems to be looking very busy.

The guy reading comic books with the neckbeard and Hawaiian pattern isn't someone they like much...of course, if you run a bookstore and you take that guy seriously, he'll hand you Amazon on a silver platter. And possibly the control systems for your rockets, too.

Or he'll just make sure your computers never crash and don't get viruses. If you don't make purchasing decisions for him after your fine dinner with the smooth-talking Microsoft consultant Saleman, and try to get him to keep the technological equivalents of the popular-conception Chevrolet Nova sputtering-along all day to do what pocket calculators from the late 1960's could be made to perform blisteringly fast and well, in the 1970's.

On the other hand, that guy who seems like he's taking weeks staring at the wall that you hate...but who always seems to be right (that ****ing ****head ***hole ***n him!) and is ignored most of the time but keeps proving right... 

he's probably deeply thinking through your problems. Actually, probably has been for years--even before he met you. Bastard be stealin' wages! (As you're benefiting from years or decades of deep thought: indeed, thinking in these people is refined into what is among the ULTIMATE of skills. We just don't generally evaluate/realize/price this one, despite that it's "game changing" if allowed to enter use.)

Of course, the solutions might be so brain-dead simple after the fact--and consider so many potential problems and edge cases and cases you just haven't heard of--that what you implement can be done by a 12 year old and will just never break, whereas anyone else doing it would lead to a multi-year project, hyper-complex, by the odds a likely failure, demoralization and loss of capacity and capital and the associated time and attentions and opportunity costs: Or...you could go to the ant [look to the can-hack-its] you sluggard, learn from their ways and become wise  [use cell phone location data + overlay on google maps, and build something like [that ride share company] with almost nothing initially invested and build a multi-billion dollar revenue-mongering global empire. (You can build the serious infrastructures that require much more than simple...later.)

Of course, these kinds of people (who sit, stare at the wall, and think until they can surface the "cut once" methods that wrap-up innumerable considerations) tend to learn...who they're dealing with. 

The passionate ones tend to move around till they find allies and the right minds to work with. The rest (or those who have other things to contend with) play the games. "Sure, I can use/learn/apply Java and $SUPPORT it for you successfully!" 

$SUPPORT = debug this thing from now till eternity for you and it will never be a reliable or satisfying experience because it CAN'T 

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