Sunday, August 10, 2014

Depersonalization & Google Authorship

Well nuts.

In this great article Mark Traphagen details changes to Google's authorship program which, among other things, remove an author's picture from search results. That's a problem from the standpoint of being personal with folks, instead of them having to stare at a vast sea of text.

It's a good article though, so I thought I would give Mark some link love. There's too little online these days--all consumers and producers of BizOps. :(

Also concerning though unrelated, Mark writes that Google's stated reasoning is to unify the search experiences and  focus them on mobile. Sadly, that's what Microsoft's debacle with Windows 8 was based upon. Google's engine is simpler, though, so let's see what happens. 

[Edited 2020/09/15 to fix spelling error.]

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